Cape Town: David Krut. Schnetz, M. 2004. The Healing Flow: Artistic Expression in Therapy; Creative Arts and the Process of Healing; An Image/Word Approach Inquiry. London: Jessica Kingsley. Schnitzer, M., and M. Stephenson. 2012.
Thurman, Howard. The Mood of Christmas. Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1973. ———. “The Sound of the Genuine” (baccalaureate address at Spelman College, May 4, 1980). Turner, Mary Donovan, and Mary Lin Hudson.
The book further explores the opportunities created when the five aspects of pastoral identity are in conflict with one another.
How Theological Field Education Shapes Pastoral Identity William B. Kincaid ... Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2008. Callahan, Kennon L. Small, Strong Congregations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000. Childress, Kyle.
In Finding Voice, Kim Berman demonstrates how she was able to use visual arts training in disenfranchised communities as a tool for political and social transformation in South Africa.
Finding Voice is a teacher resource book designed to help upper elementary school students read closely and carefully and write powerfully, expressing their own distinctive personalities. It is a collection of lessons and activities to ...
The book is a collection of classroom lessons that cover the tools authors use to shape voice and meaning: diction, detail, imagery, figurative language, and tone.