
  • Flaubert: Madame Bovary
    By Stephen Heath

    Hardy's involvement was perhaps mediated via Elizabeth Braddon's The Doctor's Wife ( 1864 ) , which may be the earliest borrowing from Flaubert's novel in English , though Braddon omits adultery and is given to moralising .

  • Flaubert: Writing the Masculine
    By Mary Orr, Professor of French Mary Orr

    2 See Biasi (1989) and Grandpré (1991). On the subject of 'égalité' in ES, see Crouzet (1989b). On both 'liberté et égalité' see Dethloff (1989). 3 Some critical work has been done on fortunes (Olds, L'Éducation sentimentale 91.

  • Flaubert: Transportation, Progression, Progress (Le Romantisme Et Après En France
    By Kate Rees

    ... Alan Raitt : Gustavus Flaubertus Bourgeoisophobus : Flaubert and the Bourgeois Mentality . 208 pp . 2005 . Vol . 12 : Nathalie Aubert , Pierre - Philippe Fraiture , Patrick McGuinness ( eds ) : La Belgique entre deux siècles ...

  • Flaubert
    By Unwin

    10 On these two novels of adultery , see Hans Robert Jauss , Toward an Aesthetic of Reception ( Minneapolis ... 74 ( 2000 ) , 17-32 ; Bill Overton , Fictions of Female Adultery , 1684-1890 ( Basingstoke : Palgrave - Macmillan , 2002 ) ...

  • Flaubert
    By Michel Winock

    17. 18. 19. 20. Ibid. Flaubert, Letters of Gustave Flaubert, 1830–1857, 137. Flaubert quoted in Steegmuller, Flaubert and Madame Bovary, 165. Flaubert, Letters of Gustave Flaubert, 1830–1857, 113. Ibid., 132. Ibid., 123. Ibid., 127–28.

  • Flaubert: A Biography
    By Frederick Brown

    In this riveting landmark biography, Brown illuminates the life and career of the author of "Madame Bovary," shedding light on not only the novelist but also his milieu--the Paris and Normandy of the revolution of 1848 and of the Second ...

  • Flaubert: Les pouvoirs du mythe - Tome 1
    By Collectif

    ... bête, le labyrinthe, la fête, le sacrifice ; et les images matérielles porteuses : la machine, le feu, le sang, la terre, la serre, la mine, le temple, la pierre tombale... Quelques titres portent à eux seuls toute la charge ...

  • Flaubert: die Entzauberung des Gefühls
    By Bernd Oei

    ... Trümmern ein Schloss baut. Vielleicht ahnt Louise Co- let, dass ihr ... man ihr treu bleibt und nicht den Erfolg sucht. Ganz sicher aber geht sie in ... Man kann nicht begreifen, daß ein Skelett Liebe gehabt hat und daß aus seinen ...

  • Flaubert
    By Michel Winock

    ... Les Confessions . Souvenirs d'un demi - siècle , 1830-1890 . Paris : E. Dentu , vol . VI , 1891 . Lapierre , Charles . Esquisse sur Gustave Flaubert intime . Evreux : Charles Hérissey , 1898 . Lemaître , Jules . Les Contemporains ...