The party must display the qualifications of the expert and the court determines whether he or she has the requisite skill and training to render an opinion on whether the bills submitted by medical providers accurately reflect the care ...
5:9.10 FRAUD Generally. . . . . 1:8.18[9] Attorney-client privilege, exception to . . . . . 1:2.06[2]; 3:2.26[1][c] Burden of proof. . . . . 1:6.14[1] Complaint, requirement for particularity in pleading of fraud in Generally.
Florida Civil Procedure: Spring 1999 Cumulative Supplement
The authors intersperse the work with frequent notes and questions for further classroom discussion. PowerPoint slides will be available to professors in 2015 upon adoption of this book.
Ramirez intersperses the work with frequent notes and questions for further classroom discussion. PowerPoint slides available upon adoption. To view sample slides from the full 604-slide presentation, click here.
A new Teacher's Manual will accompany this edition, with PowerPoint slides available upon request. There is a set of 594 PowerPoint slides available upon adoption of this book. You can click here to view a sample presentation.
Florida Civil Procedure
Florida Civil Procedure
Florida Civil Procedure: 1998 Supplement
Florida Civil Procedure: Pre-trial
Florida Civil Procedure