GLENN. A few weeks after starting a family medical practice in Bishop's Falls, in April 1970, I was visited one afternoon by a twelve-year-old boy on his way home from school. He had some transient weakness in one hand.
Joseph Campbell held a unique place in the culture for his ability to bring the healing power of myth and archetype to contemporary audiences.
Follow your Bliss is a gorgeous book filled with powerful advice from aspirational women for go-getters from all stages of life.
Other titles in the series include: Grit & Grace; Find Your Glow, Feed Your Soul; Beautifully Said; Find Your Calm; and Hello Gorgeous!
By using some of my own experiences, I break this book up into three parts to give you an idea of how we got where we are today, the solutions available to us and last but not least, when it all comes together.Following your bliss is about ...
What really excites you? What gives your a sense of meaning and purpose in your life? Discover how these can guide you to a more fulfilling and profitable career and a more deeply satisfying lifestyle.