Force and Motion

  • Force and Motion: An Illustrated Guide to Newton's Laws
    By Jason Zimba

    The position ofa treasure described as being “120 miles from here, at a bearing 30◦ north ofeast.” Look for these elements in the original sentences. “The boat is 25 miles due west of the lighthouse.” “The bird is 1,000 feet above sea ...

  • Force and Motion: An Illustrated Guide to Newton's Laws
    By Jason Zimba

    2009 The Johns Hopkins University Press All rights reserved. Published 2009 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The Johns Hopkins University Press 2715 North Charles Street Baltimore, ...

  • Force and Motion: An Illustrated Guide to Newton's Laws
    By Jason Zimba

    Jason Zimba offers a new visual presentation of Newton's three laws of motion, allowing students a new perspective on the conceptual underpinnings of laws that fundamentally explain the workings of the universe.

  • Force and Motion
    By Kyle Kirkland

    To measure the coeffi- cient of restitution accurately means using a flat, immobile wall or obstacle, so that the object's elasticity is measured instead of the momentum it picks up from the collision. The coefficient of restitution for ...

  • Force and Motion: Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach it
    By William C. Robertson

    Force and Motion: Stop Faking It! Finally Understanding Science So You Can Teach it

  • Force and Motion
    By William C. Robertson

    Clear explanations, drawings, and activities cover what science teachers and parents need to know to teach children about force and motion.

  • Force and Motion
    By Joseph Midthun

    This graphic nonfiction book introduces the properties of force and motion.

  • Force and Motion
    By Joseph Midthun

    "A graphic nonfiction volume that introduces the properties of force and motion. Features include several photographic pages, a glossary, additional resource list, and an index"--

  • Force and Motion
    By Peter Lafferty

    Explores the principles of force and motion, describing how they have been applied from ancient to modern times.

  • Force and Motion

    Force and Motion

  • Force and Motion
    By Jeffrey Lang

    A thrilling original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation / Deep Space Nine!

  • Force and Motion
    By Joseph Midthun

    "A graphic nonfiction volume that introduces the properties of force and motion. Features include several photographic pages, a glossary, additional resource list, and an index"--

  • Force and Motion
    By Joseph Midthun

    This nonfiction graphic novel introduces the properties of force and motion.

  • Force and Motion: Types of Forces
    By Lisa A. Boehm

    A force is a push or pull that makes things move, stop, or change direction. It takes more force to move more mass. Gravity is a force that pulls things together. Friction is a force that slows things down and makes it harder to move them.

  • Force and Motion: Laws of Movement
    By Don Nardo

    An introduction to Isaac Newton's three laws of motion.