... 64, 97, 144, 290, 293, 305 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process 209 oscillations 50, 55, 59, 61,269,276– 278, 287 Parmenides 304 partition (see coarse graining, symbolic dynamics) Pearson correlation 152, 166 364 Foundations of Complex Systems.
This book outlines the foundations of modern complexity research as it arose from the cross-fertilization of ideas and tools from nonlinear science, statistical physics and numerical simulation.
This book outlines the foundations of modern complexity research as it arose from the cross-fertilization of ideas and tools from nonlinear science, statistical physics and numerical simulation.
This book provides a self-contained presentation of the physical and mathematical laws governing complex systems.
This book provides a self-contained presentation of the physical and mathematical laws governing complex systems.