Revised edition of the authors' Foundations of economics, [2015]
Entry threat Rivalry Supplier power Buyer power Substitute threat Figure 14.3 Porter's five forces. Firm In 1985 Michael Porter, a business analyst, produced his study of market structure. According to Porter the likelihood of making ...
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When price-discriminating, a higher price is charged where demand is more price inelastic. • With perfect price discrimination, consumer surplus is reduced to zero. References Leibenstein, H. (1966) 'Allocative efficiency, ...
Foundations of Economics: Myeconlab + Pearson Etext Student Access Code Card
Foundations of Economics
This is the ideal text for foundation degrees and non-specialist courses for first year undergraduates.
Foundations of Economics: AP* Test Bank
This edition capitalizes on the seamless connection between the text and the e-environment to highlight how the authors' emphasis on continuous practice is integrated throughout the entire Bade/Parkin learning system.
Foundations of Economics: Student Value Edition + Myeconlab in Coursecompass Student Access Kit
The book covers all the main economic concepts and addresses in detail three main areas: * consumption and choice * production and markets * government and the State.
After completing this text, readers will have the foundational knowledge of how the economy works and can apply it to their lives going forward.
This new edition offers the proven consistency, quality, and clarity of the parent text, Economics Seventh Edition, the "student bible" (BBC Radio Four) in the discipline.
This volume explains the relevance of economics for fulfilling the cultural mandate set forth in the first two chapters of Genesis, by demonstrating how economics can help us in our task to be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over ...
Features of this edition include: Topical and up-to-date material, presented alongside real-world examples and policy problems Additional mini case studies on areas such as banking, the housing market, sport and the music industry, to ...
The book covers all the main economic concepts and addresses in detail three main areas: * consumption and choice * production and markets * government and the State.
They want to understand the economic principles that can help them navigate these forces and guide their decisions. Foundations of Economics is our attempt to satisfy this want"--
Were you looking for the book with access to MyEconLab? of Economics, plus MyEconLab with Pearson eText, 6/e (ISBN 9781447936251) and save 40%.
The book covers all the main economic concepts and addresses in detail three main areas: consumption and choice, production and markets and government and the State.
Foundations of Economics: AP* Test Bank