Within , the massive turned newel post of the stair is similar to others of the period . 656A . Crescent Barge Club , East River Drive , Philadelphia 1878 , altered A front tower with a second - story sitting room was erected in front ...
... where he was in charge of testing that led to significant advances. Figure 2 Frank Furness, “Floor for Buildings,”U.S. Patent #416,907, December 10, 1889. Figure 4 Louis Sullivan, 1876. Ryerson and Burnham Archives, Ryerson.
Lavishly illustrated, the book includes more than eighty black-and-white and thirty color photographs that highlight the richness of his work and the originality of his design spanning more than forty years.
This first biography details his abolitionist upbringing in staid Philadelphia, the horror of war and its translation into aggressive architecture - train stations, banks, and libraries - and illuminates his influence on his century and the ...
Lavishly illustrated, the book includes more than eighty black-and-white and thirty color photographs that highlight the richness of his work and the originality of his design spanning more than forty years.