Franz Liszt

  • Franz Liszt: A Research and Information Guide
    By Michael Saffle

    Timothy F. Murphy (Chicago, 2000), p. 401, where even Ivan Raykoffiin an attempt to extend sympathy to his subjectIcalls Kopelson's volume “highly subjective” and hesitates over its “camp sensibility.” Saffle.

  • Franz Liszt: The final years, 1861-1886
    By Alan Walker

    Among the thousands of clerics who converged on the city for the ceremony was Father Augustin , otherwise known in the Liszt literature as Hermann ( “ Puzzi ” ) Cohen , who was now a Barefoot Carmelite monk . Liszt also witnessed the ...

  • Franz Liszt: A Research and Information Guide
    By Michael Saffle

    In: Schoenberg, Style and Idea: Selected Writings of Arnold Schoenberg, ed. Leonard Stein. London: Faber & Faber, 1975, pp. 442–47. ISBN 0571097227. ML60.S347 1975b. A loosely organized collection of musings on Liszt's “fanatical faith ...

  • Franz Liszt: e. virtuoses Leben
    By Berndt W. Wessling

    Franz Liszt: e. virtuoses Leben

  • Franz Liszt: A Research and Information Guide
    By Michael Saffle

    Madsen, C. A. The Schubert-Liszt Transcriptions.' Text, Interpretation, and Lieder Transformation. Dissertation: University of Oregon, 2003. 487pp. DAI 64, no. 02A (2003): 332. Considers the Schubert Lieder transcriptions prepared by ...

  • Franz Liszt: Musician, Celebrity, Superstar
    By Oliver Hilmes

    Hungarian composer Franz Liszt (1811–1886) was an anomaly.

  • Franz Liszt: The virtuoso years, 1811-1847
    By Alan Walker

    dence that he lived there , and that three of his children were born there , 11 was the only connection between Franz Liszt and Count Johann Listhi . Liszt , as we know , was far from happy with Ramann's book , which painted him in ...

  • Franz Liszt: A Research and Information Guide
    By Michael Saffle

    “Paraphrase on Franz Liszt,” Scott Stamp Monthly (September 1986): 12–13. See, too, U. Barthol's “Liszt und Briefmarken: von einer Biographie besonderer Art,” HiFi-Stereophonie 22 (1983): 1218–20. Like Danek's study, Barthol's and ...

  • Franz Liszt: The Weimar years, 1848-1861
    By Alan Walker

    This book is an in depth look at Liszt and anything connected with Liszt during the years from 1848 to 1861.

  • Franz Liszt: The Man and the Musician
    By Ronald Taylor

    Franz Liszt: The Man and the Musician

  • Franz Liszt: A Story of Central European Subjectivity
    By Erika Quinn

    Liszt's Published Letters and Works Liszt, Franz. ... Briefwechsel zwischen Franz Liszt und Carl Alexander, Grossherzog von Sachsen, ed. La Mara. ... Franz Liszt and Agnes Street-Klindworth, A Corres- pondence, 1854–1886.

  • Franz Liszt
    By James Huneker

    Probably the closest graze with hatred and revenge ever experienced by Liszt was the Olga Janina episode. ... Grand Duchess of Weimar, both patronesses of Liszt; the Princess Wittgenstein, Emilie Merian-Genast, Agnes Street Klindworth, ...

  • Franz Liszt: A Chronicle of His Life in Pictures and Documents
    By Ernst Burger

    A documentary biography of the admired performer and composer presents new information on his life and work, testimonies of his contemporaries, and an exceptional range of illustrations

  • Franz Liszt: A Guide to Research
    By Michael Saffle

    A comprehensive bibliography and guide to this archetypical musical genius.

  • Franz Liszt: A Biography in Pictures
    By Zsigmond László, Béla Mátéka

    Franz Liszt: A Biography in Pictures

  • Franz Liszt: A Guide to Research
    By Michael Saffle

    Franz Liszt: A Guide to Research