This brings us back to the capability approach advocated by Sen (1999) and Nussbaum (2003). Adopting a positive right and capabilities approach, Garnett (2009: 442) has argued that university students should enjoy basic freedoms to have ...
This young coach had just shown that she could lead a team, and would not let them erode their own confidence. Once, several girls criticized another girl. They said, “Susan is holding us back. We would be better if she were any good.
Sander, P., Stevenson, K., King, M. and Coates, D. (2000). University students' expectations of teaching, ... Sheridan, J., Bryan-Kinns, N., Reeves, S., Marshall, J. and Lane, G. (2011). Graffito: crowd-based performative interaction at ...
Freedom: where to action is; Creating a climate of freedom; Some assumptions; The philosophical and value ramifications; A model for revolution.
This is the text that championed a revolutionary approach to education that changed the way we teach our children. Now, in the Third Edition, its challenging the status quo with...
Give students control over the learning process.
For student teachers and teachers.
'Freedom to Learn' offers a radically new perspective on academic freedom from a student rights standpoint.
Freedom to Learn offers a radically new perspective on academic freedom from a student rights standpoint.
... quick reference for teachers from a renowned author. Perry, Bruce D. “Violence and Child: How Persisting Fear Can Alter the Developing Child's Brain.” In D. Schetky and E. Bennedek (Eds.) Textbook of Child and Adolescent Forensic ...