
  • Freud
    By Jonathan Lear

    ... NJ : Aronson , 1986 ) ; A. Goldberg , A fresh look at psychoanalysis : the view from self psychology ( Hillsdale , NJ : Analytic Press , 1988 ) ; A. Goldberg , The problem of perversion : the view from self - psychology ( New Haven ...

  • Freud
    By Jonathan Lear

    We can also see how a knight errant might hold onto his lady's handkerchief, how it might take on heightened importance as a memorial to his lady faraway. The handkerchief will help to keep her memory alive and stoke the knight's ...

  • Freud
    By Jonathan Lear

    6 E. Kandel, 'A new intellectual framework for psychiatry,' American journal of Psychiatry 155 (1998) pp. ... 1 1 See L. Appignanesi and J. Forrester, Freud's Women (New York: Basic Books, 1 992); N. Chodorow, 'Freud on women,' in J.

  • Freud: The Mind of the Moralist
    By Philip Rieff

    While Adler favored Lamarck over Darwin because the former's teleology supported his own evolutionist optimism , * Freud's version had a consistently gloomy cast . What appealed to Freud was not its teleological verve but the near ...

  • Freud: An Intellectual Biography
    By Joel Whitebook

    Instead, she demanded to be protected from any knowledge that might cause her any pain or remove her from center stage.”60 Freud's son Martin, who also describes Amalie as a selfish and aggravating woman, adds a socio-cultural dimension ...

  • Freud: The Making of an Illusion
    By Frederick Crews

    In short, virtually the entire neural model of the “Project” was retained despite Freud's assertion of creating a psychological model.55 Independently, moreover, the information scientist Don R. Swanson examined all of Freud's ...

  • Freud: From Individual Psychology to Group Psychology
    By M. Andrew Holowchak

    From Individual Psychology to Group Psychology M. Andrew Holowchak. us in the presentation of his phantasies.” The yield of pleasure Freud dubs “forepleasure,” again comparable to the foreplay of sexual activity (1908, S.E., VI; 152-3).

  • Freud: The Making of an Illusion
    By Frederick Crews

    An assessment of psychoanalysis and the views of its creator reveals Sigmund Freud's blunders with patients, his misunderstandings about the psychological controversies of his time, and how he advanced his career on the appropriated ...

  • Freud: The Theory of the Unconsious
    By Octave Mannoni

    The major part of this book consists of an intellectual biography of Freud that traces the various crucial Freudian concepts key to understanding his work.

  • Freud: A Very Short Introduction
    By Anthony Storr

    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) revolutionized the way in which we think about ourselves.

  • Freud
    By Jonathan Lear

    Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) developed the theory and practice of psychoanalysis, one of the twentieth century's most influential schools of psychology. He also made profound insights into the psychology and understanding of human beings.

  • Freud: An Intellectual Biography
    By Joel Whitebook

    The life and work of Sigmund Freud continue to fascinate general and professional readers alike.

  • Freud: A Very Short Introduction
    By Anthony Storr

    ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly.

  • Freud
    By Elisabeth Roudinesco

    See Renate Sachse, “À propos de la recherche d'Ulrike May: Sur dix-neuf patients en analyse chez Freud (1910–1920),” ... On this topic I have also consulted Saul Rosenzweig, Freud, Jung, and Hall the King-Maker: The Historic Expedition ...

  • Freud: A Guide for the Perplexed
    By Céline Surprenant

    Freud: A Guide for the Perplexed is a clear and thorough account of Freud's thought, his major works and theories, providing an ideal guide to the important and complex ideas...

  • Freud
    By Jonathan Lear

    analysand's speech – Freud calls them 'resistances'–and he brings them to the attention of the analysand with the ... And analysands regularly report that simply by trying to speak their thoughts they become aware of many thoughts of ...

  • Freud
    By Elisabeth Roudinesco

    exchanges of letters among Ferenczi, Jung, Freud, Putnam, and Hall contribute to the story as well. On this topic I have also consulted Saul Rosenzweig, Freud, Jung, and Hall the KingMaker: The Historic Expedition to America (1909) ...

  • Freud: A Life for Our Time
    By Peter Gay

    Much of F reud's enormous correspondence has been published. A mouth-watering chronological selection is Briefe 1873-1939, ed. Ernst and Lucie Freud (1960; 2d enlarged ed., 1968; English version, Letters of Sigmund Freud, 1873-1939, tr.

  • Freud: A Life for Our Time
    By Peter Gay

    His adherents were by no means so sure ; more clearly than the author of the paper , they glimpsed its radical implications . “ It gave , ” Ernest Jones recalls , “ a disagreeable jolt to the theory of instincts on which psychoanalysis ...

  • Freud: A Life for Our Time
    By Peter Gay

    5 and 6, analyzing Freud's dependence on Fliess and what Sulloway calls “nineteenth-century psychophysics," have much of value. Patrick Mahony, “Friendship and Its Discontents," Contemporary Psychoanalysis, XV (1979), 55-109, ...