My father, with several advanced degrees of his own, had not dared to hope after my less-than-sterling performance as an undergraduate, that I would return for graduate school. Now he was about to burst his buttons as he watched me walk ...
References Bargh , C. , P. Scott and D. Smith ( 1996 ) , Governing Universities : changing the culture ?, Buckingham : Open University Press . ... ( 1983 ) , The Western University on Trial , Berkeley : University of California Press .
I develop and defend this view more fully in my book , Patriotism , Morality , and Peace ( Lanham , MD : Rowman & Littlefield , 1993 ) . This essay is a version of Chapter Three . I have also discussed these issues in the following ...
Drawing upon a decades-long career as a social worker, Crosson-Tower weaves her own experiences and lessons into an engaging story of perseverance in the face of stark reality.
The ways in which institutions respond to these demands and how their behaviour may be understood and predicted is the challenge tackled by the authors of this volume, each from their own perspective and each looking at different aspects of ...