2.14 (A) MATLAB Figure Window produced with program wilsoneuler.m with different integration time steps Δt. (b) Results of the program wilson.m that solves the same model with a higher-order ODE solver. two results in the spike train ...
This title includes the following features: An accessible introduction to the field of computational neuroscience; Aimed at graduate/postgraduates upwards in the cognitive and brain sciences; Accompanying webpage with MATLAB programmes to ...
The new edition of Fundamentals of Computational Neuroscience build on the success and strengths of the previous editions.
An accompanying webpage includes programs for download. The book is aimed at those within the brain and cognitive sciences, from graduate level and upwards.
This book aims to serve as a resource guide for students and experts alike and contribute to the growth of the discipline.
This book describes the algorithms and architectures that are driving progress in AI research in this language, by comparing current AI systems and biological brains side by side.