www.huchalter com > Divorce attorney listings, Nolo Network— Faegre 8c Benson— Frederikson 8c Byron, P.C.— Goodwin Procter—< htzP://www.
Fundamentals of Law Office Management is an excellent learning and reference tool for paralegal and law students seeking thorough knowledge of how a law office operates and their future roles in that process.
This text for paralegal, legal secretarial, legal administration, and law students describes a legal environment and how the student fits into that environment.
In addition to an overview of the legal industry and the many roles paralegals play, the book takes an in-depth look at how legal environments differ from other businesses, including the ethical issues you may face.
New to this fourth edition is material on federal employment laws and law office marketing, along with revised tables and charts and updated web resources.
This On-line component is meant to complement the textbook, activities, discussions and any instructor lectures (classroom or On-line)
This text benefits both management and non-management paralegal students. Its balanced approach provides students with practical how-to information and a clear explanation of theory. Insights into the paralegal marketplace in...