Fundamentals of Management: Functions, Behavior, Models
The Ninth Edition introduces a new and exciting design and includes new chapter openers, case applications, and exercises. MyManagementLab for Fundamentals of Management is a total learning package.
This book offers a strong theoretical and functional framework clearly organized around the functions of management with a concise presentation that offers the flexibility to add cases, exercises or projects.
With Robbins and DeCenzos new edition, youll learn so much about the real world of management, including: *Why is revolutionizing the book-selling industry *How SiloCaf, a coffee bean processing plant, uses sophisticated ...
The book's proven balance of theory and practice incorporates numerous, engaging learning features to help readers develop and strengthen today's most important management skills.
Fundamentals of Management: Core Concepts and Applications
Package includes: 0136109829 / 9780136109822 Fundamentals of Management 0136110096 / 9780136110095 MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Fundamentals of Management
This streamlined volume covers the principle concepts of management to provide readers with a solid foundation for understanding key issues.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Focusing on fundamental management concepts, issues and practices, the book relates basic management, organisational and leadership theories to the achievement of organisational excellence, and enables students to appreciate the complex ...
PRODUCT ONLY AVAILABLE WITHIN CENGAGE UNLIMITED. Ricky Griffin's FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT, 9th Edition invites you into the study of management with a dynamic approach organized around the functions of management.
This brief text provides a sound foundation for understanding key management issues, maintains a functional focus, and incorporates the latest research studies in the field.
Principles of Management courses that require a brief and/or skills focused text.
This title & nbsp;can be & nbsp;supported by MyManagementLab, an online homework and tutorial system which can be used by students for self-directed study or & nbsp;fully integrated into an instructor's course. & nbsp; This product is the ...