However, most humans don't pick their mates by smelling sweaty T-shirts. So, Craig Roberts at the University of Liverpool wondered if there was a relationship between human faces and MHC. After determining the MHC for a large group, ...
Investigating the Microbial World 2 looks at the Miller–Urey experiment (chapter opener) that attempts to explain the possible evolutionary origins for some of the monomers (amino acids) discussed in this chapter. R H H2N C COOH H H2N C ...
Fundamentals of Microbiology, Twelfth Edition is designed for the introductory microbiology course with an emphasis in the health sciences.
Pommerville’s Fundamentals of Microbiology, Eleventh Edition makes the difficult yet essential concepts of microbiology accessible and engaging for students’ initial introduction to this exciting science.
Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
New edition of an introductory microbiology text with an emphasis on the biology of human disease. Alcamo (microbiology, State U. of New York) presents 18 chapters that discuss the foundations...
Highly suitable for non-science majors, the fully revised and updated third edition of this bestselling text contains new pedagogical elements and an established learning design format that improves comprehension and retention and makes ...
Fossil of single celled creatures that date back to at least 3.5 billion years indicate that microbes were the pioneer life forms on earth.
Pommerville’s Fundamentals of Microbiology, Eleventh Edition makes the difficult yet essential concepts of microbiology accessible and engaging for students’ initial introduction to this exciting science.
Fundamentals of Microbiology
Fundamentals of Microbiology
Fundamentals of Microbiology
Fundamentals of Microbiology
Fundamentals of Microbiology
Alcamo (microbiology, State U. of New York) presents 18 chapters that discuss the foundations of microbiology, the bacteria, bacterial diseases of humans, other microorganisms, disease and resistance, control of microorganisms, and ...