If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Enhanced Pearson eText search for: 0135206057 / 9780135206058 Fundamentals of Phonetics: A Practical Guide for Students Plus Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. An introduction...
Dialects, word stress, and production of certain speech sounds. The CD-ROM, included with the book, and the supplemental audio cassette tapes, enable readers to listen to examples and absorb additional information.
The 5th Edition is updated with current census data, new material on key concepts in phonetic transcription, and a new section on the application of speech acoustics in clinical practice.
New to This Edition New introductory material on the use of electronic fonts (Chapter 1) is provided to acquaint the reader in the use of computer fonts in transcription of speech.
Note: This text does not come with the audio cd. To order the 3 audio CD set, use ISBN 013403306X. To order the audio CD packaged with this text, use ISBN 0134204816.
If this text did not come packaged with "Research Navigator(TM)," look for it in your bookstore or visit http: //www.researchnavigator.com today to purchase immediate access.
"This sixth edition is quite similar to earlier editions in terms of basic layout and organization.
This book is the kind of spark we need these days—a rich, intense and inspiring collection for and about those who get their hands dirty every single day."—Michael Moore “This book is not ‘fresh-air.’ It is a mighty wind. . .