All resources, including the Student Activity Workbook and Author in the Classroom videos were created by Mike for his classroom and are available for use in yours to help students succeed and stay engaged--Provided by publisher.
Ltd Pearson Education North Asia Ltd , Hong Kong Pearson Education Canada , Ltd. , Toronto Pearson Educación de Mexico , S.A. de C.V. Pearson Education — Japan , Tokyo Pearson Education Malaysia ...
Compare the skewness of the two distributions given in the previous question by means of Pearson's Measure of Skewness, mean – mode standard deviation distribution. 6. A set of numbers are all either 0 or 1.
This book provides a broad general survey of the principles of scientific method, and a substantial basic knowledge of statistics particularly in its application to scientific research and with special relevance to the fields of the social ...
Accompanying CD-ROM contains data sets, applets, formula cards and tables, additional topics folders, Sullivan statistics survey, and case studies.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Drawing upon...
"Popular college introductory text to the subject of Statistics that follows GAISE guidelines"--
The book discusses the collection, organization and representation of numerical data; elementary probability; the binomial Poisson distributions; and the measures of central tendency.
Fundamentals of Statistics
Fundamentals Of Statistics
Fundamentals of Statistics
This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole- punched, loose-leaf version.
The Distinctive Features Of The Present Book Are One, Besides Serving As Textbook For B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Pass & Hons.), M.A. (Econ.)/M.Com./ M.Sc. (Maths & Stat.) Of Indian And Nepalese Universities; C.A.; I.C.W.A.; M.B.A.; It Also Covers ...
If you are looking for a streamlined textbook, which will help you think statistically and become a more informed consumer through analyzing data, then Sullivan's Fundamentals of Statistics, Third Edition, is the book for you.
Fundamentals of Statistics
Fundamentals of Statistics