Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law
    By Shirelle Phelps

    Provides an overview of the American legal system and offers a series of essays explaining the law on topics including civil rights, consumer issues, the First Amendment, taxes, and estate planning.

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law: First amendment law to travel
    By Shirelle Phelps

    Provides an overview of the American legal system and offers a series of essays explaining the law on topics including civil rights, consumer issues, the First Amendment, taxes, and estate planning.

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law: Americans with Disabilities Act to family law
    By Shirelle Phelps

    Provides an overview of the American legal system and offers a series of essays explaining the law on topics including civil rights, consumer issues, the First Amendment, taxes, and estate planning.

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law
    By Donna Batten

    "The Encyclopedia, written for the layperson, is arranged alphabetically by broad subject categories and presents in-depth treatments of topics such as consumer issues, education, family, immigration, real estate, and retirement.

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law: First Amendment law to travel
    By Jeffrey Wilson

    This encyclopedia fills a much-needed gap between legal texts focusing on the theory and history behind the law and more practical guides dealing with the law and its everyday effect upon its citizens.

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law
    By Jeffrey Wilson

    This volume contains alphabetically arranged articles on law for the layman, including historical background on each issue, profiles of various U.S. laws and regulations, details of how laws and regulations vary from state to state, and ...

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law
    By Donna Batten

    The Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law provides information and resources to help users answer their legal questions, and outlines their rights and recourses, as well as consequences, under the law.

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law: Americans with Disabilities Act to family law
    By Jeffrey Wilson

    This volume contains alphabetically arranged articles on law for the layman, including historical background on each issue, profiles of various U.S. laws and regulations, details of how laws and regulations vary from state to state, and ...