Game Theory

  • Game Theory: A Modeling Approach
    By Richard Alan Gillman, David Housman

    The reduced coalition game ({A, B},v) with respect to the nucleolus allocation has v(AB) = 74 + 28 = 102, v(A) = 84 − 22 − 16 = 46, and v(B) = 0. By equalizing the excesses for the two singleton coalitions (both equal 28), ...

  • Game Theory: Concepts and Applications
    By Frank C. Zagare

    The concepts of game theory (rationality etc) now pervade much of social science, so that Professor Zagare's exposition of game theory and its applications (intended to "convert the unconverted and initiate the uninitiated") is very welcome ...

  • Game Theory
    By Steven N. Durlauf, Lawrence E. Blume

    Definition 4 A mixed strategy Nash equilibrium of the strategic game hN;ðA i Þ;ðuiÞi is a profile aà in which each component ani is a probability distribution over Ai that satisfies UiðanÞ ! Uiðai ;anÀiÞ for every probability ...

  • Game Theory: An Introduction
    By Steven Tadelis

    this approach to the Battle of the Sexes, for example, you will find both purestrategy Nash equilibria, (O, O) and(F, F). For the Prisoner's Dilemma only (F, F) will be identified.

    By Roger B. Myerson

    Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Binmore, K., A. Rubinstein, and A. Wolinsky. 1986. “The Nash Bargaining Solution in Economic Modeling.” Rand journal of Economics 17:176-188. Blackwell, D. 1956. “An Analogue of the Minimax Theorem for Vector ...

  • Game Theory: An Introduction
    By Steve Tadelis

    [ x2, 3x , 2 3x2 The intuition for Kakutani's fixed-point theorem is somewhat similar to that for Brouwer's theorem. Brouwer's theorem was stated using two qualifiers: first, the function f(x) was continuous, and second, ...

  • Game Theory: A Critical Text
    By Shaun Hargreaves Heap, Shaun P. Hargreaves Heap, Yanis Varoufakis

    Consider a bowler in cricket or a pitcher in baseball . Both types of player can have a fast and a slow ball in their repertoire and each type of ball is most effective when it is not expected . For instance , the slow ball in cricket ...

  • Game Theory: A Modeling Approach
    By Richard Alan Gillman, David Housman

    Both players were risk averse. c. Rose was risk averse while Colin was risk neutral. In the Twisted Matching Coins scenario, we assumed that Rose is risk-loving. Model the scenario if Rose is risk-neutral and the disagreement payoff ...

  • Game Theory
    By Roger B. Myerson

    Crawford, V. 1979. "On Compulsory-Arbitration Schemes." Journal of Political Economy 87:131-159. Crawford, V. 1981. "Arbitration and Conflict Resolution in Labor-Management Bargaining." American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings ...

  • Game Theory
    By Michael Maschler, Eilon Solan, Shmuel Zamir

    Since the players believe in the Nash solution, they have an interest in following a process that will move them to y ̊ “ NpS,dq. For various reasons (for example, the players may not trust each other) they want to arrive at the Nash ...

  • Game Theory
    By Michael Maschler, Eilon Solan, Shmuel Zamir

    This new edition is unparalleled in breadth of coverage, thoroughness of technical explanations and number of worked examples.

  • Game Theory: A Classical Introduction, Mathematical Games, and the Tournament
    By Andrew McEachern

    NASH. EQUILIBRIA. Consider a game in normal form with n players, with strategy sets S1, S2, ..., Sn and payoffs st 1, ... A Nash equilibrium is a strategy profile (s , s: , ..., so) with the following property: if any player changes his ...

  • Game Theory: A Very Short Introduction
    By Ken Binmore

    Games are played everywhere: from economics to evolutionary biology, and from social interactions to online auctions. This title shows how to play such games in a rational way, and how to maximize their outcomes.

  • Game Theory: Understanding the Mathematics of Life
    By Brian Clegg

    ... Girolamo, Liber de Ludo Aleae 1 cash-choosing game 1 caterer's dilemma 1, 2 cell phones 1,2 chance games 1,2 chaos, complexity and 1 cherry-picking results 1 chess 1, 2, 3 chicken game 1, 2 choice, axiom of 1 coffee chain (defence) ...

  • Game Theory: An Applied Introduction
    By José Luis Ferreira

    Any skilled negotiator knows all of the above points without relying on game theory. The interest of the theory relies on its capacity to derive all those results based on a few minimal principles. It seems that a lesson worth learning ...

  • Game Theory: Introduction and Applications
    By Graham Romp

    Covering all the essential topics for undergraduate courses, this is the ideal student introduction to game theory. The book sets out the basics of the subject in a non-technical way.

  • Game Theory: Applications in Logistics and Economy
    By Danijela Tuljak-Suban

    This book provides a wide range of examples of the uses of game theory, even in situations where such application may seem unsuitable.

  • Game Theory: An Introduction
    By E. N. Barron

    4.2 Backward Induction and Subgame Perfect Equilibrium 205 Fight Cave 1 0 Fight Cave 1/2 1/2 Fight Cave 1/2 1/2 Fight Cave 1 0 1 Quiche Quiche 1/2 1/2 1/3 Strong 0 1 2/3 Weak Beer Beer 1 3 0 0 1 1 13 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 2:1 1:1 C :1 1:2 2:2 ...

  • Game Theory: The art of thinking strategically
    By , 50MINUTES

    The art of thinking strategically This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding and implementing game theory, providing you with the essential information and saving time.

  • Game Theory: A Critical Text
    By Shaun Hargreaves Heap, Yanis Varoufakis

    Requiring no more than simple arithmetic, the book: * Traces the origins of Game Theory and its philosophical premises * Looks at its implications for the theory of bargaining and social contract theory * Gives a detailed exposition of all ...