A biography of the gentle but stubborn man who called on all Indians to disobey British laws through civil disobedience and non-cooperation until India was granted independence.
This book charts the fascinating life of Mahatma Gandhi, president of the Indian National Congress and peaceloving protestor for independence.
First published 2001 by Pearson Education Limited Published 2014 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN 711 Third Avenue, NewYork, NY, 10017, USA Routledge isan imprint ofthe Taylor & Francis Group, ...
(Ricordiamo come, mentre era ormai in punto di morte, fece un compromesso accettando di bere del latte di capra che sua moglie gli porgeva: “L'uso che oggi faccio del latte di capra mi tormenta, non tanto dal punto di vista dell'ahimsa ...
Alan Jacobs has made a lifelong study of mysticism and is a regularly published author and poet. He is the editor of Poetry for the Spirit and Tales from Rumi and the beautiful poetic translations of The Upanisads also in this series
"In leading India to independence, Gandhi also contributed uniquely to British political life and to the eventual dissolution of a worldwide Empire. This is a vivid introduction to his life and times."--BOOK JACKET.
And he saw him at home, subsisting on four-hours' sleep and "frenzied acclaim." This book is sure to press upon readers the worldwide force of Gandhi's example. —Kirkus Reviews
230 , 290 . communal violence : e.g. CWMG , 128 Note by H.V. Hodson on his tour in vol . 74 , pp . 26-9 , 74-6 . November - December 1941 of Mad- 143 See L. Fischer , A Week With ras , Orissa , Bengal and Bihar , TP , Gandhi , pp .
In this book Nanda analyzes Gandhi's aims and methods during the period 1915-1925, his emergence as the dominant figure on the Indian political stage, his confrontation with the British, and...
In this biography, discover the inspiring life story of Mahatma Gandhi, who successfully used his teachings of non-violence to win his country's freedom.
This is the extraordinary story of how one man's indomitable spirit inspired a nation to triumph over tyranny. This is the story of Mahatma Gandhi, a man who owned nothing-and gained everything.
A revelatory look at the complexity of Gandhi’s thinking and motives, the book is a luminous portrait of not only the man himself, but also those closest to him—family, friends, and political and social leaders.
Presents the story of the great leader who succeeded in bringing about social and political change in India through nonviolent means.
Pramod Kapoor, the founder and publisher of Roli Books (established in 1978), is a connoisseur of images.
Covering Gandhi's influence and image over more than forty years of public life, David Arnolds new profile provides a vivid introduction to his life and times.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) was one of the few men in history to fight simultaneously on moral, religious, political, social, economic, and cultural fronts.
In this explosive, intriguing, and provocative investigation, Colonel G. B. Singh charges that the popular image of Gandhi is highly misleading.
A childhood biography of the great political and social leader. Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) studied law in England, then spent 20 years defending the rights of immigrants in South Africa.