
  • Gandhi: The Peaceful Revolutionary
    By Anna Claybourne

    A biography of the gentle but stubborn man who called on all Indians to disobey British laws through civil disobedience and non-cooperation until India was granted independence.

  • Gandhi: The Peaceful Revolutionary
    By Anna Claybourne

    This book charts the fascinating life of Mahatma Gandhi, president of the Indian National Congress and peaceloving protestor for independence.

  • Gandhi
    By David Arnold

    First published 2001 by Pearson Education Limited Published 2014 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN 711 Third Avenue, NewYork, NY, 10017, USA Routledge isan imprint ofthe Taylor & Francis Group, ...

  • Gandhi
    By Christine Jordis

    (Ricordiamo come, mentre era ormai in punto di morte, fece un compromesso accettando di bere del latte di capra che sua moglie gli porgeva: “L'uso che oggi faccio del latte di capra mi tormenta, non tanto dal punto di vista dell'ahimsa ...

  • Gandhi: Radical Wisdom for a Changing World
    By Alan Jacobs

    Alan Jacobs has made a lifelong study of mysticism and is a regularly published author and poet. He is the editor of Poetry for the Spirit and Tales from Rumi and the beautiful poetic translations of The Upanisads also in this series

  • Gandhi
    By David Arnold, Professor of History David Arnold

    "In leading India to independence, Gandhi also contributed uniquely to British political life and to the eventual dissolution of a worldwide Empire. This is a vivid introduction to his life and times."--BOOK JACKET.

  • Gandhi
    By Susan Rogers


  • Gandhi: A Memoir
    By William L. Shirer

    And he saw him at home, subsisting on four-hours' sleep and "frenzied acclaim." This book is sure to press upon readers the worldwide force of Gandhi's example. —Kirkus Reviews

  • Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope
    By Judith Margaret Brown

    230 , 290 . communal violence : e.g. CWMG , 128 Note by H.V. Hodson on his tour in vol . 74 , pp . 26-9 , 74-6 . November - December 1941 of Mad- 143 See L. Fischer , A Week With ras , Orissa , Bengal and Bihar , TP , Gandhi , pp .

  • Gandhi: Pan-Islamism, Imperialism, and Nationalism in India
    By Bal Ram Nanda

    In this book Nanda analyzes Gandhi's aims and methods during the period 1915-1925, his emergence as the dominant figure on the Indian political stage, his confrontation with the British, and...

  • Gandhi
    By Glenn Alan Cheney


  • Gandhi
    By Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff, Diane Bailey

    In this biography, discover the inspiring life story of Mahatma Gandhi, who successfully used his teachings of non-violence to win his country's freedom.

  • Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World
    By Louis Fischer

    This is the extraordinary story of how one man's indomitable spirit inspired a nation to triumph over tyranny. This is the story of Mahatma Gandhi, a man who owned nothing-and gained everything.

  • Gandhi: The Years That Changed the World, 1914-1948
    By Ramachandra Guha

    A revelatory look at the complexity of Gandhi’s thinking and motives, the book is a luminous portrait of not only the man himself, but also those closest to him—family, friends, and political and social leaders.

  • Gandhi
    By Demi

    Presents the story of the great leader who succeeded in bringing about social and political change in India through nonviolent means.

  • Gandhi: An Illustrated Biography
    By Pramod Kapoor

    Pramod Kapoor, the founder and publisher of Roli Books (established in 1978), is a connoisseur of images.

  • Gandhi
    By David Arnold

    Covering Gandhi's influence and image over more than forty years of public life, David Arnolds new profile provides a vivid introduction to his life and times.

  • Gandhi: A Very Short Introduction
    By Bhikhu Parekh

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) was one of the few men in history to fight simultaneously on moral, religious, political, social, economic, and cultural fronts.

  • Gandhi: Behind the Mask of Divinity
    By G. B. Singh

    In this explosive, intriguing, and provocative investigation, Colonel G. B. Singh charges that the popular image of Gandhi is highly misleading.

  • Gandhi: Young Nation Builder
    By Kathleen Kudlinski

    A childhood biography of the great political and social leader. Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948) studied law in England, then spent 20 years defending the rights of immigrants in South Africa.