Gears of War

  • Gears of War: Anvil Gate
    By Karen Traviss

    lac." She could hear her own voice shaking and made an effort to steady it before she pressed her earpiece. “Mataki to Control—eneiny contact in grid. Charlie Seven, three hostiles, all dead. I'm on my way back in." Mathieson responded.

  • Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant
    By Karen Traviss

    A sailor was working on the sub's casing, messing around with a hatch, and he looked up at the two of them like he found it funny to see Gears sightseeing at this time of the morning. “Couldn't you sleep?” he called to them.

  • Gears of War: Coalition's End
    By Karen Traviss

    “Whoa, hold position for a moment, Mel,” Mitchell said. “I've got to line up the images with the grids.” “Any particular height, your majesty?” “No, I can adjust for that, thanks.” “Oh good.” Marcus gripped the safety rail above his ...

  • Gears of War: Aspho Fields
    By Karen Traviss

    Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago fought together at the pivotal battle of Aspho Fields, but now as they fight to save the remnants of the human race from the menace of the Locust Horde, secrets from the past return to haunt them.

  • Gears of War: Coalition's End
    By Karen Traviss

    Alisder Fyne and Franck Muller.” He'd forgotten all about Commander Fyne. Everybody seemed to. The poor asshole had kept what little was left of NCOG running for years until Michaelson was recalled, and then he just vanished back into ...

  • Gears of War: The Slab
    By Karen Traviss

    couple of rounds hit the frame of the Raven's door but Hoffman couldn't tell if they'd passed through or embedded themselves. “You're going to need me on that gun, Barber,” Hoffman said. “I haven't the first idea how to operate a winch.

  • Gears of War: The Slab
    By Karen Traviss

    As the Locust Horde advances into one of humanity's last bastions, Marcus Fenix defies Colonel Hoffman's orders in a bid to rescue his father, weapons scientist Dr Adam Fenix.

  • Gears of War: The Slab
    By Karen Traviss

    "Based on the Xbox 360 video game series from Epic Games/Microsoft Game Studios."

  • Gears Of War: Anvil Gate
    By Karen Traviss

    With the Locust Horde apparently destroyed, Jacinto's survivors have begun to rebuild human society on their island stronghold.

  • Gears of war
    By Karen Traviss, Pop Mhan, Wes Hartman

    Gears of war

  • Gears of war: Anvilská brána
    By Karen Traviss

    Gears of war: Anvilská brána

  • Gears of War: Anvil Gate
    By Karen Traviss

    A ravaged world's surviving humans wage a desperate war against the brutal Locust Horde, whose possible return challenges Marcus Fenix and his commando squad to push the limits of their battle skills.

  • Gears of war: Po záplavě
    By Karen Traviss

    Gears of war: Po záplavě

  • Gears of War: The Slab
    By Karen Traviss

    An original novel based on the groundbreaking and award-winning military sci-fi-action video game series Gears of War—written by #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Traviss!

  • Gears of war: Asfoská pole
    By Karen Traviss

    Gears of war: Asfoská pole

  • Gears of War
    By Karen Traviss, Joshua Ortega

    Collects issues #14-24 of Gears of War. From the Hardcover edition.

  • Gears of War: Jacintos Erben
    By Karen Traviss

    Nach einem 15 Jahre währenden Krieg ums Überleben sieht sich die KOR dazu gezwungen, Jacinto, die einzige verbliebene Stadt der Menschheit, zu opfern, um die Locust Horde doch noch zu stoppen.

  • Gears of war: Schmutzige kleine Geheimnisse / [Autorin: Karen Traviss. Zeichn.: Pop Mhan. Übers. Bernd Kronsbein]
    By Karen Traviss, Pop Mhan, 1973-

    Gears of war: Schmutzige kleine Geheimnisse / [Autorin: Karen Traviss. Zeichn.: Pop Mhan. Übers. Bernd Kronsbein]

  • Gears of War: Los supervivientes
    By Karen Traviss

    Después de quince años de una guerra brutal por la supervivencia, la Coalición de Gobiernos Alineados se ve obligada a destruir la única ciudad que le queda a la humanidad, en un último intento de detener a la horda Locust.

  • Gears Of War: Jacinto's Remnant
    By Karen Traviss

    Based on the blockbuster Xbox game, this is the stunning story of the men and women who stood between a planet and total destruction - and now have to face the consequences of their actions.