Launcelot Granger of Newbury , Mass . , and Suffield , Conn . A genealogical history , by James N. Granger ... Hartford , Conn . , Press of the Case , Lockwood & Brainard company , 1893. ix , 9-587 p . plates , ports . , map , diagr .
Launcelot Granger of Newbury , Mass . , and Suffield , Conn . A genealogical history , by James N. Granger ... Hartford , Conn . , Press of the Case , Lockwood & Brainard company , 1893 . ix , 9-587 p . plates , ports . , map , diagr .
CS71.58553 1957 1 A643 STOURTON . The history of the noble house of Stourton , of Stourton , in the county of Wilts . Comp . from the original official ducments , and other additional sources , under the instructions and supervision of ...
Clements family . Wylder , Carole Clements , 1937My Clements family tree / compiled and edited by Carole Clements Wylder . -- 1980 ed . - Clinton , ill . ( 207 Cedar Dr. , Clinton 61727 ) : C.C. Wylder , 1980 . iii , 47 p .
Genealogies in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography
"The present compilation lists not only American and English works but also holdings of Canadian, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Australian, Latin American, Polish, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and...
"This bibliography lists genealogies in the collection of the Library of Congress which have been cataloged between January 1976 and June 1986"--Editor's note.
Genealogies in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography. Second Supplement, 1976-1986
This "Supplement to Genealogies in the Library of Congress" lists all genealogies in the Library of Congress that were catalogued between 1972 and 1976, showing acquisitions made by the Library in the five years since publication of the ...