30 Timberlake DS, Rhee SH, Haberstick BC et al. The moderating effects of religiosity on the genetic and environmental determinants of smoking initiation. Nicotine Tob Res 2006; 8(1):123–133. 31 Teran-Garcia M, Rankinen T, ...
And when you factor in the series' affordable price, quick-scan design, and internationally renowned authorship, it's easy to see why the Clinical Medical Series will be first on any dedicated professional's reading list.
The Clinical Survival Guide Rupal Shah ... 6 7 8 9 10 TC : HDL • Ex - smokers should still be considered to be smokers for at least 5 years after giving up ( it is a minimum of 10 years before the risk comes down to the same level as it ...
In this edition, Professor Murtagh adopts more of an evidence-based approach while maintaining the problem-based structure that is core to the manual's appeal.
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