Generalist Practice

  • Generalist Practice: A Task-centered Approach
    By William James Reid, Eleanor Reardon Tolson, Charles D. Garvin

    A Task-centered Approach Eleanor Reardon Tolson, William James Reid, Charles D. Garvin. Epstein , L. , and D. S. Bishop . 1981. ... In M. A. Pace - Nichols , ed . , Handbook of Family Development and Intervention . New York : Wiley .

  • Generalist Practice: A Task-Centered Approach
    By William J. Reid, Eleanor Reardon Tolson, Charles D. Garvin

    Zastrow, C. 1982. Introduction to Social Welfare Institutions. Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey. Zuk, G. H. 1978. “Values and Family Therapy.” Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice 15:48–55. Zwick, R., and C. C. Attkisson. 1984.

  • Generalist Practice: A Task-Centered Approach
    By William J. Reid, Eleanor Reardon Tolson

    The book seeks to establish a "task-centered" methodology -- a structured, short-term, problem-solving approach -- applicable across systems at five levels of practice: the individual, the family, the group, organizations, and communities.

  • Generalist Practice: A Task Centered Approach
    By William James Reid, Eleanor Reardon Tolson, Charles D. Garvin

    The book seeks to establish a "task-centered" methodology -a structured, short-term, problem-solving approach -applicable across systems at five levels of practice: the individual, the family, the group, organizations, and communities.

  • Generalist Practice: A Task-centered Approach
    By William James Reid, Eleanor Reardon Tolson, Charles D. Garvin

    The second edition offers more information on systems theories and includes case studies and practice questions with each chapter, as well as checklists for each level of practice and exercises to help students monitor their understanding ...