Genetic Engineering

  • Genetic Engineering: Debating the Benefits and Concerns
    By Karen Judson

    Explores the debates and controversy surrounding genetic engineering, and presents various viewpoints on genetic discrimination, gene therapy, and cloning.

  • Genetic Engineering: Modern Progress Or Future Peril?
    By Linda Tagliaferro

    Wenner, Melinda. “Making Stem Cells from Skin.” Popular Science. September 18, 2008. article/2008-09/making-stem-cells-skin?page= (June 10, 2009). Witt, Steven C. BriefBook: Biotechnology, ...

  • Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods
    By Alexander Hollaender, Jane K. Setlow

    Measure of Genetic Diversity Widespread epidemics in crop plants such as those of the potato late blight in Ireland in the 19th century and the southern corn 1eaf blight in the U.S. in 1970 can be traced to the use of a limited number ...

  • Genetic Engineering
    By Thomas A. Parmalee

    Fox hope thatgenetic engineering research will shed. for research. Scientists have taken small steps toward human cloning through embryonic stem cell research. They have cloned human cells for medical use. For example, scientists can ...

  • Genetic Engineering: A Primer
    By Walter E. Hill

    Genetic Engineering: A Primer presents the growing field of biotechnology to non-science majors and other general interest readers.

  • Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods
    By Alexander Hollaender, Jane K. Setlow

    Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods

  • Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods
    By Alexander Hollaender, Jane K. Setlow

    Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods

  • Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods 28
    By Jane K. Setlow

    This book, published by Springer since 1979, presents state-of-the-art discussions in modern genetics and genetic engineering.

  • Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods
    By Alexander Hollaender, Jane K. Setlow

    Volume 3 Jane K. Setlow, Alexander Hollaender. 5' 3' NORMAL AN '' g : '' '' AN 7. HPFH % 68-THAL(1) % 68-THAL(2) % 768-THAL(1) Ż 768-THAL (2) % Lepore % 6" (rare) % Figure 1. Deletions of DNA within the 8-like globin gene cluster.

  • Genetic Engineering: The Facts
    By Sally Morgan

    ... Photo Library page 17 Mark Clarke / Science Photo Library page 18 CC Studio / Science Photo Library page 19 Weiss / Jerrican / Science Photo Library page 20 Geoff Tompkinson / Science Photo Library page 21 PA News Photo Library page ...

  • Genetic Engineering
    By Elizabeth Rice

    Jack williamson popularized the term in his 1951 science fiction novel Dragon's island. Scientists did not confirm the role of DNa in inheritance until 1952 or its double-helix structure until 1953. Breeding cows for increased milk ...

  • Genetic Engineering: A Reference Handbook
    By Harry LeVine

    ... 232 Swanson, Robert, 109, 121, 135–136 Swanson, T., 238 Swisher, C., 252 Synthetic Genomics, 138 Synthetic polymers, 28–29, 168–169 Tagliaferrro, L., 252 Tancredi, L., 230 Tansley,A. G., 102 Task Force on Genetics and Insurance, ...

  • Genetic Engineering
    By Steve Parker

    Looks at the definition of genetic engineering, its history and present use, debates relating to health risks and the environment, and the influence consumers have on genetic engineering.

  • Genetic Engineering: Science and Ethics on the New Frontier
    By Michael Boylan, Kevin E. Brown

    This book introduces readers to important ethical issues that arise in the realm of genetic engineering. It provides the basic science and ethical analysis necessary to assess central issues...

  • Genetic Engineering: Progress Or Peril?
    By Linda Tagliaferro

    Discusses current and potential uses of genetic engineering in fields such as medicine, criminal investigation, and agriculture and examines some of the ethical questions involved.

  • Genetic Engineering: Basics, New Applications and Responsibilities
    By Hugo Barrera-Saldaña

    Thermoinactivation and reactivation of firefly luciferase, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. ISBN 981-02-4679-X, pp. 193-196, Pacific Grove, California, USA, September 6-10, ...

  • Genetic Engineering
    By Mark Y. Herring

    DVM News Magazine (August, 2004), 38 (accessed via Academic Search Premier, January, 2005). 30. John C. Avise, The Hope, Hype & Reality of Genetic Engineering (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 85. 3 1 .

  • Genetic Engineering
    By Tina Kafka

    Books John Avise, The Hope, Hype, and Reality of Genetic Engineering: Remarkable Stories from Agriculture, Industry, Medicine, and the Environment. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Written at a slightly advanced level, ...

  • Genetic Engineering
    By Thomas A. Parmalee

    “Genetically Modified Crops: A Decade of Disagreement. ... The Science and Ethics ofGenetic Engineering. ... Avise, John C. The Hope, Hype, and Reality ofGenetic Engineering: Remarkable Stories from Agriculture, Industry, Medicine, ...

  • Genetic Engineering
    By Tamara L. Roleff

    The development of genetic engineering has allowed scientists to change an organism¿s looks or function by adding, deleting, or rearranging genes. The resulting technology has opened up a whole new...