Biobibliographical Studies, Volume 38 Elizabeth Baigent, André Reyes Novaes ... Bromley, J. and Bromley, D. (2015), Wellington's Men Remembered Volume 2: A Register of Memorials to Soldiers Who Served in the Peninsula War and at ...
REFERENCES ON WILLIAM SCORESBY Young, George, A History of Whitby, 2 vols., Whitby (1817), 953p. 'Brief Memoir of William ... Journal of a voyage to Australia and round the world for magnetical research by William Scoresby (post.) ...
... processes and forms', in T. P. Burt, R. J. Chorley, D. Brunsden, N.J. Cox and A. S. Goudie (eds), The History of the Study of Landforms Volume 4: Quaternary and Recent Processes and Forms (1890–1965) and the Mid-Century Revolutions.
William Smith (1769–1839), although his life's work was confined to Britain, had influence spreading far beyond. ... Chandra Pal Singh (1939–2000), although a twentieth-century figure, is also, in a way, a child of the ...
Theory of geography 'De la transformation de la méthode des sciences politiques par les études géographiques et ... Géogr. , vol l8, 3l43-9 'Les deux Buache, ou l'origine de l'enseignement géographique par versants et par bassin', Rev.
1997b 'The Danube displayed: Review of John Stoye, Marsigli's Europe 1680– 1730: the Life and Times of Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli, Soldier and Virtuoso', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 51(1), 142–4.
Aston M. (1985), Interpreting a Landscape: Landscape Archaeology and Rural History. London, Routledge. Aston, M. and Gerrard, C. (2013), Interpreting the English Village: Landscape and Community at Shapwick, Somerset.
Reprinted as 'Among the volcanoes of central France', in Geological sketches at home and abroad, London, (1882) 86-126 1863 'On the phenomena of the glacial drift of Scotland', Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, vol 1 , 1— 190 1865 The scenery ...
... on conflict and cooperation in the management of Fenland in Wallingfen (2016). I. D. Rotherham also makes extensive use of Sheppard's marsh drainage research publications in his book Yorkshire's Forgotten Fenlands (2010).
Atlas et géographie de Paris et de la région parisienne, two Volumes. Paris: Flammarion. (with A. Delobez) La géographie du commerce. Paris: Masson. La France des villes, ... (editor with B. Dezert) Grande ville: Enjeu du XXIe siècle.
Estevens, A. (2014), 'As expressões geográficas do conflito urbano: Oscasos do Raval (Barcelona) e da Mouraria (Lisboa)', ... as consequências do abandono escolar precocena inserção navida ativa: Estudo de caso sobre o ensino básico no ...
Campbell, E. M.J. (1987), 'Geography at Birkbeck College, University of London, with particular reference to J.F. Unstead and E.G.R. Taylor', in R. W. Steel (ed.), British Geography 1918–1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ...
Dunbar, G.S., 'Reclus, Élisée', in Dict. Sci. Biog., vol 11, (1975), 337 Day Hem, 'Essai de bibliographie d'Élisée Reclus', Pensée et Action, (Paris, Brussels, 1956), 26 p. Reclus, P., Les frères Élie et Élisëe Reclus ou du ...
... Géographie Physique. Paris: Armand Colin. —. (1940), 'Problèmes morphologiques du Brésil tropical atlantique', Annales de Géographie 49, 1–27; 106–29. —. (1955), Traité de Géographie Physique, 7th edn, 3 vols. Paris: Armand Colin ...
... Department of the Interior, United States Geological and Geographical Survey. Meynier, A. (1969), Histoire de la pensée géographique en France. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. Osborne, R. (2000), The Deprat Affair: Ambition ...
... London: A Brief History to Commemorate One Hundred Years of Teaching Geography. London: University College London. 2003g (with P. G. Hall) 'Jean Gottmann 1915–1994', Proceedings of the British Academy 120, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows ...
... JAMES DAVID FORBES There is a comprehensive list of Forbes' scientific writings in Appendix D of Shairo, J.C. , et al., Life and Letters of James David Forbes F.R.S. (1873). Review articles are omitted by these authors, including ...
Each study includes a select bibliography and brief chronology. The work includes a general index and a cumulative index of geographers listed in volumes published to date.
The work includes a general index, and a cumulative index of geographers listed in volumes published to date. Published under the auspices of the International Geographical Union.
... Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S., John Murray, London, 1907. MacLean, A ... Pacific 1769– 1840. Hamish Hamilton, London, 1966. 3. CAPTAIN COOK'S WRITINGS Bibliographic Note It was the custom in the eighteenth century for the Admiralty to ...