The book is comprised of contributions from leading experts in the field of geometric topology.These contributions are grouped into four sections: low dimensional manifolds, topology of manifolds, shape theory and infinite dimensional ...
This is Part 1 of a two-part volume reflecting the proceedings of the 1993 Georgia International Topology Conference held at the University of Georgia during the month of August.
Geometric Topology: Proceedings of the Geometric Topology Conference held at Park City Utah, February 19-22, 1974
This volume contains the refereed proceedings of the conference.
Geometric Topology
... Genera of Links , Topology 23 ( 1984 ) 381-394 . Genera of the Arborescent Links , AMS Memoirs 339 ( 1986 ) . Detecting Fibred Links in S3 , Comm . Math . Helv . 61 ( 1986 ) 519- On 3 - Manifolds Finitely Covered by Surface Bundles ...