But can they figure out what the powerful, mysterious force is that plagues their son... and how to defeat it? This is the trade paperback edition of Ghost Boy, with a 5" x 8" trim size.
Will and Alice Harding, and their seven-year-old son Toby, have just moved to a new house in the countryside.
So does Quinn , a vampire renegade who has lured Beth to the savage streets of New York and into his obscene world of unquenchable desire . Every minute Quinn's hunger is growing . Every hour Adragon's rage is mounting .
Harold Kline is an albino--an outcast. Folks stare and taunt, calling him Ghost Boy. It's been that way all of his 14 years. So when the circus comes to town, Harold runs off to join it.
When it all seems hopeless, how do you get through each day? In the New York Times bestseller Ghost Boy, Martin Pistorius tells the harrowing story of his return to life through the healing power of love and faith.
Unhappy in a home seemingly devoid of love, a fourteen-year-old albino boy who thinks of himself as Harold the Ghost runs away to join the circus, where he works with the elephants and searches for a sense of who he is.
Describes the author's ten year ordeal of how, after suffering a bout of meningitis, he was thought to be in a vegetative state, and eventually, through the help of his family, regains his powers of communication and becomes independent.
When he confides in his best friend, it's not long before smart phones start lighting up with text messages as the air cackles with gossip and he becomes known in school as the 'Ghost Boy'.
Tad must cross time and space to tell the secrets of the past... Froggy dreams of drowning. Just as his nightmare is coming true, he is saved by a ghost...
A teenage boy must confront his unusual gift for seeing people that no one else can see...
In January 1988, aged twelve, Martin Pistorius fell inexplicably sick.
But can they figure out what the powerful, mysterious force is that plagues their son and how to defeat it? This is the large print edition of Ghost Boy, with a larger font / typeface for easier reading.
They have to work hard to solve the mystery before whoever is watching them does more than just threaten. In Ghost Boy by Jan Burns, we see these children setting out on a seemingly impossible quest to help a young ghost.
Will and Alice Harding, and their seven-year-old son Toby, have just moved to a new house in the countryside.
Will and Alice Harding, and their seven-year-old son Toby, have just moved to a new house in the countryside.
Ghost Boy