This excellent book, written by counsellors who are also parents with first- hand knowledge of living and working with gifted children, is an accessible and positive guide full of constructive advice and encouragement for other parents.
Gifted Children is a lively and informative exploration of the mystery of the gifted mind and the social and emotional needs of gifted children and their families.
The subject that is treated in this volume has engaged a large part of the attention, not only of psychologists and educationists but also of laymen. It is argued that...
Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture
Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture
Gifted Children: Psychological and Educational Perspectives
Gifted Children: Their Psychology and Education
In this fascinating book, Ellen Winner uncovers and explores nine myths about giftedness, and shows us what gifted children are really like.Using vivid case studies, Winner paints a complex picture of the gifted child.