Where's Jackson?' 'They're fine. They're making potions or something in the bathroom.' He snatched the headphones from her, pulled them over his ears and continued playing the game he hadn't paused. Without the sound of rap music ...
Stories provided by women explore the loyalty and acceptance in their relationships with girlfriends, best friends, soulmates, and confidants
rJV, Girlfriends pick you first for kickball. Girlfriends lie to your mother for you. Girfriends know the best things in life are "flea" Girlfriends pick up the phone after midnight. girlfriends The perfect little book for the ...
This collection celebrates the steadfast, wonderful women we call "girlfriends."
... papers , textiles , and photographs . Sandra is always seeking out vintage ephemera , from 19th - century postcards to magazines published during the 1800s . Sandra is the author of " Fanciful Paper Projects : Making Your Own Posh ...