Arizona Keith R. Dorson Robert A. Esperti Reid S. Johnson Richard E. Mundinger Bernard M. Rethore California , contd . David A. Williams Benjamin W. Wong Colorado Douglas G. Goldberg Florida , contd . Thomas Rogers Matthew A. Tavrides ...
A series for young children on doing' words.
Examines the types of charitable work done by individuals and nonprofit organizations to demonstrate how anyone can make a difference in society through the life-changing act of giving.
Charity and Philanthropy in History Robert H. Bremner ... During preparation of the volume Merle Curti, Richard Magat, Thomas R. Buckman, Irving Louis Horowitz, and Paul A. Varg offered encouragement and welcome advice.
Altogether, the lessons and activities help children learn a biblical and cheerful view of giving. * This book is part of The Children’s Wordbook series, by Richard Todd, and is most beneficial when used alongside the wordbooks, which ...
Are you one of the people that has been experiencing hardship, financial predicament, loss, sickness and stagnancy? This powerful book Giving: The Source Of Blessing is a deliverance book for you. You will have insight into what giving is?
This is Ben Scott's first and only book. At the age of seventy, Scott felt a calling to write this book about how God guided him and his wife along the path of giving/tithing.
In this volume, historians of antiquity, the middle ages, early modern thought, and the Victorian era discuss the evolution of thinking about and practicing voluntary giving, taking up some inescapable questions about charity.
Through his foundation and his work in the aftermath of the Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, he has become an international spokesperson and model for the power of giving. “We all have the capacity to do great things,” President ...
Giving: A Moment to Reflect Meditations on Spirituality
A toddler shows all the things she gives and receives.
Epic takes no cut—100 percent of the donations reach the people who need them. In this vital book, Mars not only tells the story of Epic and its new formula for giving but redefines what it means to give and have purpose.