An internationally recognized expert on the geology of barrier islands takes on climate change deniers in an outstanding and much-needed primer on the science of global change and its effects.
“Snowball”. Earth. During the Proterozoic Eon (2,500 Ma to 542.0±1.0 Ma million years ago), the Sun was 30% weaker than it is today, and only the presence of much higher levels of CO2 and other greenhouse in the atmosphere kept Earth ...
Global Climate Change presents both practical and theoretical aspects of global climate change from across geological periods.
Taking a cross-disciplinary approach, acclaimed educator and researcher, David Kitchen, examines not only the physical science, but the social, economic, political, energy, and environmental issues surrounding climate change.
Dayakarrao B, Malleshi NG, Annor GA, Patil JV (2015) Nutritional and health benefits of millets. In: Dayakar Rao B et al (eds) Millets value chain for nutritional security: a replicable success model from India.
In this video segment from What's Up in the Environment? learn about the ways in which energy is created and how these processes impact the environment. After exploring the current research into producing energy from agreeno sources, ...
This volume is written for policymakers and informed citizenry who want to understand at a general level the complexities of global climate change without becoming enmeshed in technical minutia.
Taking a cross-disciplinary approach, acclaimed educator and researcher, David Kitchen, examines not only the physical science, but the social, economic, political, energy, and environmental issues surrounding climate change.
Examines everything from melting glaciers and disappearing snow covers to increased levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere; patterns of climate change through the centuries, and the potentially disastrous effects (including rising seas, ...
This volume is written for policymakers and informed citizenry who want to understand at a general level the complexities of global climate change without becoming enmeshed in technical minutia.
This interdisciplinary volume addresses the growing international concern for Earth's climate, and is structured in five sections: climate, atmosphere, hydrosphere, human involvement, and natural processes. The contributors discuss problems caused...
Now that the Bush Administration has kiboshed the Kyoto Protocol, are efforts to curtail global warming dead? Are even more technical studies called for? The issue of global warming would...
Global Climate Change presents both practical and theoretical aspects of global climate change from across geological periods.
Mark Twain's comment that everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it no longer applies: human activities have altered the global climate, and governments are having to...
This book provides essential insights into methods and practices of ‘Climate-smart Agriculture,’ which is driven by the principles of climate resilience and smart resource use in agricultural production.
Global Climate Change: Hearings Before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, Second...
This volume updates readers on major studies on global warming; the effects of changing climate for the most sensitive areas of the planet; and debates on how to respond today and in the future.