Kooiman, Jan (2003), Governing as Governance, London: Sage Publications Limited. Kooiman, Jan and Kjell A. Eliassen (1987), 'Introduction' in Jan Kooiman and Kjell A. Eliassen (eds), Managing Public Organizations: Lessons from ...
This book provides a critical review of global environmental governance as part of the broader process of sustainably transforming modern society.
Written by Gus Speth, one of the architects of the international environmental movement, and accomplished political scientist Peter M. Haas, Global Environmental Governance tells the story of how the community of nations, nongovernmental ...
In Search of (Global) Environmental Governance 7. Mapping the Definitional Field of Global Environmental Governance 8. Law and Global Environmental Governance 9. Reconstructing Global Environmental Governance Bibliography Index
This book presents key concepts in international law and regime formation in simple, accessible language, and describes the current institutional landscape, les-sons learned, and new directions need-ed in international governance.