The U.S. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution giving President Lyndon Johnson the power to use force if necessary . Johnson sent U.S. combat forces to Vietnam . The War became unpopular in the U.S. and led to Johnson's decision ...
This short book offers a clear and engaging introduction to the history of humankind, from the earliest movements of people to the contemporary epoch of globalization.
Explores the historic changes that occurred following cross-cultural contact, including shifts in religious beliefs, political alliances, and cultural developments.
(1987) 'The ancient economy, transferable technologies and the Bronze Age world system: a view from the northeastern frontier of the Ancient Near East', in Rowlands, M., Larsen, M. and Kristansen, K. (eds) Centre and Periphery in the ...
Hopkins' introduction places the new global history in the context of world, international and transational history, and an afterword by historian William H. McNeill concludes the volume.
This edited volume shows how the universal principles embodied in the process of globalization have interacted with diverse localities across the globe during the past two centuries.
This short book offers a clear and engaging introduction to the history of humankind, from the earliest movements of people to the contemporary epoch of globalization.
This short book offers a clear and engaging introduction to the history of humankind, from the earliest movements of people to the contemporary epoch of globalization.