Global Studies

  • Global Studies: Africa
    By F. Jeffress Ramsey

    STAFF Ian A. Nielsen Brenda S. Filley Lisa M. Clyde Roberta Moncao Charles Vitelli Cheryl Greenleaf Shawn Callahan Lara M. Johnson Laura Levine Michael Campbell Joseph Offredi Juliana Arbo Publisher Production Manager Developmental ...

  • Global Studies
    By Mark Willner, Erwin M. Rosenfeld, Jerry Weiner

    Henry Hudson explored this bay. 6. Vasco da Balboa sighted the Pacific from here. 7. John Cabot explored the coastline of this country. 8. Columbus landed on these islands during his voyages. 9. Ferdinand Magellan was the first to round ...

  • Global Studies: Japan and the Pacific Rim
    By Dean Walter Collinwood

    Parasites in Prêt - à - Porter , Peggy Orenstein , New York Times Magazine , July 1 , 2001. Peggy Orenstein " describes an interesting social phenomenon in Japan : free - spending " parasite single ” women in their 20s and 30s— " girls ...

  • Global Studies: The Middle East
    By William Spencer

    Joan M. Nelson , “ Overview : The Politics of Long - Haul Reform , ” in Joan M. Nelson ( ed . ) , Fragile Coalitions : The Politics of Economic Adjustment ( Washington , D.C .: Overseas Development Corporation , 1989 ) , p . 14 . 13.

  • Global Studies: The Middle East
    By William Spencer

    7. D. Rubinstein , “ The Jerusalem Municipality under the Ottomans , British and Jordanians , " in J. L. Kraemer , ed . , Jerusalem : Problems and Prospects ( New York : Praeger , 1980 ) , p . 84 . 8. See D. Aronson , “ The Politics of ...

  • Global Studies: Middle East
    By William Spencer, William J. Spencer

    Our GLOBAL STUDIES Series provides students with comprehensive background and current information shaping regional cultures and countries of the world today.

  • Global Studies: Russia and the Near Abroad
    By Grigory Ioffe

    Our Global Studies Series provides students with comprehensive background and current information shaping regional cultures and countries of the world today.

  • Global Studies: Volume 1: Globalization and Globality
    By Zhenye Liu, Tuo Cai

    These two volumes, a pioneering work on global studies to be published out of China, aims at creating a new theoretical framework against the backdrop of globalization.

  • Global Studies: Africa
    By Thomas Krabacher, Ezekiel Kalipeni, Azzedine Layachi

    Global Studies is a unique series designed to provide comprehensive background information and selected world press articles on the regions and countries of the world.

  • Global Studies: Volume 2: Process and Governance
    By Zhenye Liu, Tuo Cai

    These two volumes, a pioneering work on global studies to be published out of China, aim at creating a new theoretical framework against the backdrop of globalization. This volume discusses globalization on the supranational level.

  • Global Studies: Europe
    By E. Gene Frankland

    GLOBAL STUDIES is a unique series designed to provide comprehensive background information and selected world press articles on the regions and countries of the world.

  • Global Studies: Civilizations of the Past and Present
    By Henry Brun

    A textbook covering the history of civilization from the prehistoric period to looking towards the 21st century.

  • Global Studies: Mapping Contemporary Art and Culture
    By Julia T. S. Binter

    This is the third volume in Hans Belting and Peter Weibel's Global Art and the Museum series, which analyzes how globalization affects the industry of contemporary art. Alongside case studies...

  • Global Studies: A Competency Review Text
    By John Osborne, Sue Ann Kime, Regina O'Donnell

    This book will help [the reader] prepare for the New York State Regents Competency Test (RCT) in Global Studies. Passing the RCT is now required for a high school diploma in New York.-Notes to students.

  • Global Studies: Russia, the Eurasian Republics, and Central/Eastern Europe
    By Minton Goldman

    Global Studies: Russia, the Eurasian Republics, and Central/Eastern Europe

  • Global Studies: Latin America
    By Paul Goodwin

    Contains current information on the cultural, social, political, and economic differences and similarities between the countries in Latin America.

  • Global Studies: Latin America
    By Paul Goodwin

    This twelfth edition of GLOBAL STUDIES: LATIN AMERICA includes introductory essays on Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Carribbean region, with concise reports and current statistics for each of the countries within these ...

  • Global Studies: Latin America and the Caribbean
    By Paul B. Goodwin

    Global Studies is a unique series designed to provide comprehensive background information and selected world press articles on the regions and countries of the world.

  • Global Studies: Latin America and the Caribbean
    By Paul Goodwin

    Global Studies is a unique series designed to provide comprehensive background information and selected world press articles on the regions and countries of the world.

  • Global Studies: Latin America
    By Paul B. Goodwin

    Presenting current world press articles, this book focuses on the geographical, cultural, sociopolitical and economic aspects of Latin America.