Globalization and Belonging

  • Globalization and Belonging
    By Michael Savage, Gaynor Bagnall, Brian J Longhurst

    Drawing on long-term empirical research into cultural practices, lifestyles and identities, Globalization and Belonging explores how far-reaching global changes are articulated locally.

  • Globalization and Belonging: The Politics of Identity in a Changing World
    By Sheila Croucher

    ... fact that “many workingand middle-class voters, who feel left behind by globalization, are far angrier than establishment leaders realized” (Frankel 2016). Yet, a closer look at data called into question the Introduction 3.

  • Globalization and Belonging
    By Mike Savage, Gaynor Bagnall, Brian J Longhurst

    CHEADLE AREA (Continued) C79 Male 41 Driving instructor (s/e) B 98, 147 C91 Female 31 Secretary C 59, 158 C97 Female 39 Export ... 94, 126 D16 Male 40 Restaurant proprietor E 43, 198 D20 – Steve Male 36 Carpenter (s/e) G 95, 97–8, ...

  • Globalization and Belonging
    By Michael Savage, Gaynor Bagnall, Brian Longhurst

    Drawing on long-term empirical research into cultural practices lifestyle and identities, this volume explores how far-reaching global changes are articulated locally. The authors address key sociological issues of stratification as...

  • Globalization and Belonging
    By Mike Savage, Gaynor Bagnall, Brian J Longhurst

    Table 2.5 Percentage of those brought up in different places who feel they belong in area of current residence (No. for relevant category in brackets) Cheadle Chorlton Ramsbottom Wilmslow Brought up locally 45 (22) 50 (6) 81 (11) 36 (8) ...

  • Globalization and Belonging: The Politics of Identity in a Changing World
    By Sheila Croucher

    This book examines how globalization shapes the construction of socio-cultural and political attachments and their implications for citizenship, nationhood, ethnicity, and gender.

  • Globalization and Belonging: The Politics of Identity in a Changing World
    By Sheila L. Croucher

    ... Scattered Belongings : Cultural Paradoxes of " Race , " Nation and Gender . London : Routledge . Ignatieff , Michael . 1993. Blood and Belonging : Journeys into the New Nationalism . New York : Farrar , Straus and Giroux . ILO . 1998 ...