... B. Steger Rethinking Globalism Edited by Manfred B. Steger Globalization and Labor Dimitris Stevis and Terry Boswell Globalization and Surveillance Timothy Erik Ström Globaloney 2.0 Michael Veseth Globalization and Health Jeremy Youde.
supplement in upper-division courses in International Relations, Social Movements and Protest, Middle East in World Politics, G&P of the Middle East, Women in the Modern World.
This clear and concise book examines the crucial relationship between globalization and social movements.
An inspiring collection that uses case studies and theoretical reflection to contextualise the linkages between collective action theories, social movement practices and the phenomenon of globalisation.
The book also includes a new chapter on the democratic nature of social movements, or the ways in which social movements contribute to democratization at both national and global levels.
An inspiring collection that uses case studies and theoretical reflection to contextualise the linkages between collective action theories, social movement practices and the phenomenon of globalisation.
What is the connection between globalization and social movements?