Frank smirked, “Sorry, Richard, but it's along story. ... Richard leaned forward, “So I heard about this, I take it they were just upset and wanted someone to blame? ... I'd seen Nicole in town, and we'd gotten into an argument.
Praise for Glory Road: “Rich colorful characters capturing my heart, combined with a story that kept me up till the wee hours, Glory Road is a perfect read.
In addition to the book's editor, Anthony J. Carter, Glory Road includes contributions from such notable pastors as Thabiti Anyabwile, Ken Jones, Michael Leach, and Eric Redmond.
Until he came to the part about "handsome of face and figure, " E.C."Scar" Gordon thought the ad was a shaggy dog aimed straight at him by someone who knew...
Timed to the release of Jerry Bruckheimer's movie, the moving autobiography of Hall of Fame basketball coach Don Haskins and his storied team of players, the Texas Western MinersIn 1966,...
E.C. "Scar" Gordon, a Vietnam veteran, answers an ad promising adventure and meets a mysterious beauty who transports him to another world.
One ad in particular leapt out at him: "ARE YOU A COWARD? This is not for you. We badly need a brave man.
In the second book of the Army of the Potomac Trilogy, Bruce Catton—one of America’s most honored Civil War historians—once again brings the great battles and the men who fought them to breathtaking life.