
  • Goal!
    By Robert Rigby

    The saga of young professional soccer player Santiago Muez continues in this final installment in the Goal trilogy, in which Santi plays for Argentina in the World Cup. One word unites the world... GOAL!

  • Goal!
    By Peter Millett, Mal Chambers

    Jeffrey's soccer team learns sign language to be able to communicate with Nathan, a deaf player.

  • Goal!: The Fire and Fury of Soccer's Greatest Moment
    By Mark Stewart, Mike Kennedy

    ... Ruud, 46 Vava, 23, 23 Vieira da Silva, Marta, 48, 60 Wambach, Abby, 47, 60 Wen, Sun, 59, 60 Wiegmann, Bettina, 60 Williams, Bert, 18, 19 Winterbottom, Walter, 18 Worthington, Danny, 56 Wright, Tommy, 51 Yunjie, Fan, 32 Zidane, ...

  • Goal!
    By Mina Javaherbin

    “Uplifting and inspiring, this beautifully written and illustrated book reminds us of the joys and saving grace of friendship and sport.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu In a dusty township in South Africa, Ajani and his friends have earned ...

  • Goal!
    By Christian Koller, Fabian Brandle

    The authors explain how football transformed from a sport at elite boarding schools in England to become a pastime popular with the working classes, enabling factories such as the Thames Iron Works and the Woolwich Arsenal to give birth to ...

  • Goal!: Your 30-Day Game Plan for Business and Career Success
    By Gladys Stone, Fred Whelan

    The book's unique 30-Day Goal Track will keep you motivated and disciplined to move any project forward in just 30 days. Easy-to-follow worksheets guide you from precisely conceiving your goals to taking action to achieve them.

  • Goal!: A Soccer Handbook for Young Players
    By Paul E. Harris

    A guide to the skills, rules, positions, and equipment of soccer for the beginning player.

  • Goal!: My Soccer Book
    By David Diehl

    Pictures and basic text introduce such soccer terms as free kick, punt, header, trap, and goal.