Samuel Kernell shows how “going public” remains a potent weapon in the president’s arsenal, both for advancing his own agenda and blocking initiatives from his political adversaries in Congress.
(That's a phrase wepickedup from Karen Mains's excellent book Making Sunday Special.1) “Were there any moments when you felt that God spoke to you, either directly or indirectly?” Too many churches across our country schedule their ...
Going Public builds a theological case for why baptism is required for church membership, answers objections, and applies this theological vision to the local church’s practice of baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and church membership.
Presidents are uniquely positioned to promote themselves and their polices directly to the public. Using sympathetic crowds as a backdrop, a president can rally public opinion to his side, along...
"The inside story of an extraordinary politics you probably didn't know existed--ordinary Americans getting together and acquiring real power for themselves." --William Greider, national correspondent, The Nation A New York...
Going Public: New Strategies of Presidential Leadership
It took Julie Macfarlane a lifetime to say the words out loud – the words that finally broke the calm and traveled farther than she could have imagined.
An inside, minute-by-minute narrative about a modern American dream: taking a successful start-up company public. Going Public tells the story of the MIPS Computer team of employees, their secret dreams,...
Each chapter in this book tells a unique story of community engagement and the scholarship of practice in a diverse range of settings, documenting successes and failures, the unintended consequences, and the questions yet to be answered."
Going Public is the first book to investigate the issues in a non-technical manner, drawing upon international evidence from private sector companies and privatizations.
Exploring the ways in which French women went public through publication, this book shows how they contributed to the formation of the public sphere in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
"With wide readership, this book could change the education of a nation, let alone the lives of the children who attend MNS."-Mem Fox, Author of Radical Reflections and Possum Magic...
In this new edition of his authoritative work, Samuel Kernell examines the increasingly frequent presidential practice of "going public" - appealing for support directly to the American public, often bypassing...
Going Public: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about
Going Public: A Novel