“During our stay at Maldonado I collected several quadrupeds, eighty kinds of birds, and many reptiles, including nine species of snakes,” Darwin wrote.17 These scenes of animal comfort might well have been all Darwin had to go on, ...
A young girl with an eating disorder must find the strength to recover in this moving middle-grade novel from Jen Petro-Roy Before she had an eating disorder, twelve-year-old Riley was many things: an aspiring artist, a runner, a sister, ...
Harry Coffman lived much of his life not feeling good enough, being burdened with doubt and condemnation of his past. In this book, Good Enough, he tells about his life journey.
Leanne Brown acknowledges that feeding yourself is hard, and that it is almost impossible to find the energy to work for yourself when you don’t think you are worth it.
Philosopher Daniel Milo offers a vigorous critique of the quasi-monopoly that Darwin’s natural selection has on our idea of the natural world.
This book is a companion for when you want to stop feeling guilty that you’re not living your best life now.
***THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER*** We begin to feel less alone, more loved and less judged when good is . . . enough. In this collection of 40ish short...
Paula Yoo scores big in her hilarious debut novel about an overachiever who longs to fit in and strives to stand out.
Dear Dilvin, you suck at this. Sincerely, Dilvin.In the frightening world of tiger mums, little emperors and helicopter parenting, can any mother ever be good enough? Dilvin Yasa thinks probably not.
... US PEE. (Poop, too, obviously, but I haven't done that yet.) They stand so close I can hear them loud-breathing through the door. All the bathrooms are locked. Even the ones in our rooms. The nurses and counselors have keys and we have ...
In this collection of stories and journal entries, Carly explores... the reality of living with an eating disorder, the problem with comparison, and the ways in which one's environment affects one's growth-for better or worse.
Why are we programmed to live like this, and is it society that needs to change, not us? One thing's for sure - it's better to be average and happy than exceptional and miserable. We're all good enough, just as we are.
Following your parents' dreams to an Ivy league college, or following your heart? It's senior year, and Patti Yoon is about to find out what it really takes to be good enough!