... Needles (obvious), Purl One (a knitting stitch) and Old Blood and Guts (the nickname of General George S Patton ... sounds like pattern . . . and thankfully not a reference to her profession, which is general surgeon at a Brisbane ...
While on a picnic, Bunny and Mouse see everything that happens to them from opposite points of view--Bunny sees only the good, while Mouse sees only the bad.
Delightfully witty and addictively fast-paced, this is the second hilarious outing for unforgettable sleuth Scout Davis.
Good news, this is a book kids will clamor to read again and again!
In Good News, Bad News , Jeremy Iggers argues that journalism's institutionalized conversation about ethics largely evades the most important issues regarding the public interest and the civic responsibilities of the press.
This collection explores the opportunities for and possible implications of coordination between two of the major pieces of emerging infrastructure in the United States: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and the National Information ...
The inspiring personal testimonies of such well-known people, are compelling stories of challenging spiritual journeys that will be a source of deep inspiration for readers in their own spritual walk.
Good News, Bad News... a secret agent is trained to try to think of every possible outcome and eventuality.
In Good News, Bad News , Jeremy Iggers argues that journalism's institutionalized conversation about ethics largely evades the most important issues regarding the public interest and the civic responsibilities of the press.
Two operatives and long-time friends are transformed into enemies when they receive their final mission before retiring, the assassination of each other, embarking on an international chase as they investigate why their bosses want them ...
'And so, seeing how you've only got the one rabbit, no-one knows if it's a boy or a girl so you can call it whatever you ... 'Bad news? No, Robbie, there's no bad news. The whole lot of them are properly injured. One's quite serious.
... back , ' I am here for you , Linda , but I will not push you over the edge . ' That was absolutely the right thing to say . I wrote back , ' Thank you , and I am not writing again until the baptism hap- pens . ' Now I had the strength ...
Entertaining news stories for listening and discussion.