They audit, investigate, perform analyses, issue legal decisions and report anything that the government is doing. This is one of their reports.
We also present 47 additional areas-beyond those directly related to duplication, overlap, or fragmentation-describing other opportunities for agencies or Congress to consider taking action that could either reduce the cost of government ...
This report supplements our March 1, 2011, report Opportunities to Reduce Potential Duplication in Government Programs, Save Tax Dollars, and Enhance Revenue--GAO's first annual report to Congress in response to a statutory requirement to ...
GAO testified on the need to strengthen and improve the government's overall financial management systems, agency operations, and accountability.
They audit, investigate, perform analyses, issue legal decisions and report anything that the government is doing. This is one of their reports.
They audit, investigate, perform analyses, issue legal decisions and report anything that the government is doing. This is one of their reports.
Figures. This is a print on demand report.