... C. W. Post Long Island University M. Peter Dillaway Sharon L. Robinson New Mexico State University Frostburg State College Allan Drebin Earl R. Wilson Northwestern University University of Missouri - Columbia J. Patrick Forrest Alex ...
The 11th Edition emphasizes that what you learn in the accounting classroom should correlate highly with what you must understand and apply on the CPA exam and as professional accountants.
This is a comprehensive textbook that is written through the eyes of the learner to prepare them for professional government and not-for-profit accounting practice and the CPA exam. *
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in governmental and nonprofit accounting.
This is a comprehensive textbook that is written through the eyes of the learner to prepare them for professional government and not-for-profit accounting practice and the CPA exam.
Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting, Revised Sixth Edition provides a better balance between theory and practice than other texts, with the most up-to-date coverage.
Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting: Theory and Practice
Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting Sixth Edition provides a better balance between theory and practice than other texts, with the most up-to-date coverage. It provides students with a thorough basis for...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
For accounting students enrolled in a governmental and nonprofit accounting course. This is a comprehensive textbook that is written through the eyes of the learner to prepare them for professional...
Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting: A Book of Readings
This is a comprehensive textbook that is written through the eyes of the learner to prepare them for professional government and not-for-profit accounting practice and the CPA exam.