The original — and very complete — analysis of the collapse The collapse , from rest , of a of such a uniform - density “ ball of dust ” was given in the classic paper of Oppen- uniform - density ball of " dust " : heimer and Snyder ...
... and C. W. Misner , 1973 , “ Geodesic synchrotron radiation in the Kerr geometry by the method of asymptotically factorized Green's ... [ 844.3 ] Clifford , W. K. , 1882 , Mathematical Papers , R. Tucker , ed . , Macmillan , London . Particle orbits in a toroidal field -- Motion around charged blackholes -- 7.2 Accretion discs -- 7.2.1 Thick accretion discs -- 7.2.2 Discs with magnetic fields -- 7.2.3 Accretion in binary systems -- 7.2.4 Relativistic ...
Moreover, for simulations of astrophysical processes, we will ultimately need to integrate numerical relativity with traditional tools of computational astrophysics, including hydrodynamics, nuclear astrophysics, radiation transport and ...
Among the various results of this analysis is the closing of a mayor gap" that had existed for decades in the so called “black hole uniqueness theorems.” In Section 2 we review the status of the uniqueness theorems and the type of ...
" Tout tourne autour de nous et tout va si vite... Des ombres aux personnes disparues, il n'y a qu'un pas. Le ciel n'est pas loin de nous tomber sur la tête... "Gravitation" en est l'exemple parfait!
The modular structure of the book allows different sections to be combined to suit a variety of courses. Over 200 exercises are included to test and develop the reader's understanding.