Ptolemy -- Copernicus -- Tycho Brahe -- Galileo --Kepler -- Isaac Newton -- Flamsteed -- Halley --Bradley -- William Herschel -- Laplace -- Brinkley --John Herschel -- The Earl of...
Book Excerpt: Ptolemy succeeded in devising a scheme by which the apparent changes that take place in the heavens could, so far as he knew them, be explained by certain combinations of circular movement.
Great Astronomers By Robert S. Ball
As always, this edition is complete and unabridged.
Of all the natural sciences there is not one which offers such sublime objects to the attention of the inquirer as does the science of astronomy.
This concept was later overturned by Kepler, who computed that the orbits were elliptical based on accurate measurements of the planets' positions in the sky that were made by Tycho Brahe. (See the volumes about Kepler and Brahe in this ...
Based upon Kepler's laws, Sir Isaac Newton later developed his law of gravity.This is a chapter from Sir Robert Stawell Ball's Great Astronomers (2nd ed. 1907). Ball traces Kepler's life from birth in 1571 to death at age 59 in 1630.
We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public.
Great Astronomers
This work enlists the services of men who worked in the field of Astronomy. Ball has chronicled the lives of all great astronomers and provided glimpses of their personal lives as well as their interests and their era.
William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rose KP RPS HORSE 17 June 1800 - 31 October 1867, was an Anglo Irish astronomer who had several telescopes built.
His own star catalog was published posthumously by his wife in 1725.This eBook is a chapter from Great Astronomers by Sir Richard Stawell Ball (1907) plus information from A Short History of Astronomy by Arthur Berry (1910).
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
Edmond[1] (or Edmund[2]) Halley, FRS (/ˈhæli/;[3][4] 8 November [O.S. 29 October] 1656 - 25 January 1742 [O.S. 14 January 1741]) was an English astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist.
Sir Robert Stawell (1 July 1840 - 25 November 1913) was an Irish astronomer who founded the screw theory.
The book talks about not only what these great astronomers did in science, but also their personal lives, problems, and successes.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
Great Astronomers: Isaac Newton By Robert Stawell Ball
This work enlists the services of men who worked in the field of Astronomy. Ball has chronicled the lives of all great astronomers and provided glimpses of their personal lives as well as their interests and their era.
...We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public.