17. Vancouver : Tantalus Research . B.C. Research . 1974. Labour Turnover at Mackenzie . Prepared by A. Alexander and D. Bryant for B.C. Forest Products . Vancouver . .1976 . Action Research at Mackenzie . Report No. 1 Bibliography.
Introducing a breakthrough approach to managing innovation, productivity, and quality assurance This book describes a systems management approach that successfully integrates the latest systems engineering methodologies with cutting-edge process management...
Was he lost to love, violence or the Gold Rush? Green Gold combines meticulous research with the fictional narrative of Jeffrey’s lost journals, revealing an extraordinary adventure.
Discover how the tea plant came to be transplanted onto every continent and relive the stories of the men and women whose lives were transformed out of all recognition through contact with the deceptively innocuous green leaf.
Green Gold presents the story of human use of and impact on Alabama’s forests from pioneer days to the present, as James E. Fickle chronicles the history of the industry from unbridled greed and exploitation through virtual abandonment to ...
Exploiting our Economic Potential: Public Policy and the British Columbia Economy. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. ———. 1971. “The Economy of B.C.” In Trade Liberalization and a Regional Economy: Studies of the Impact of Free Trade ...
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... or breakdowns of the share of its income which is attrib- utable to corporate versus individual contributions . 11. Council on Competitiveness , German Technology Policy : Incentive for Industrial Innovation ( Washington , D.C .: 1992 ) ...
Looks at the history and future prospects for the banana industry in four Caribbean islands: Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia and St Vincent. It focuses on conditions for the small farmers...
Study on the teakwood investment program. Teakwood offered the general public in The Netherlands the opportunity to directly invest in a teak plantation in Costa Rica.
Green Gold looks at the history and future prospects for the banana industry in four Caribbean islands: Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia and St Vincent. It focuses on conditions for the...