First published in 1983, Jay Levinson's "Guerrilla Marketing" has become a classic in the field of business, revolutionising marketing for small businesses all over the world and creating a new way to understand market share and how to gain ...
Easy and inexpensive strategies for making big profits from your small business.
Best selling author Jay Levinson shares the now world famous principles behind guerrilla marketing, in the first ever "brief" written on the subject.
Guerrilla Marketing
Among other things, Levinson shows readers how to make their Internet businesses insanely profitable on a tiny marketing budget and use stealth tactics to snatch business away from competitors.
These are the Guerrilla Marketing resources that every business needs to succeed and generate profits. They also offer a FREE companion course to help entrepreneurs continue to build their rock-solid Guerrilla Marketing foundation.
Guerrilla Marketing: How to Make Big Profits from a Small Business
Guerrilla marketing: secrete pentru a obtine profituri mari din afaceri mici
A bestseller first published in 1983, Guerrilla Marketing offers an innovative approach to marketing for the small business owner. Filled with hundreds of effective ideas, this book outlines Levinson's philosophy...
Brand warfare is real. Guerrilla Marketing details the Colombian government’s efforts to transform Marxist guerrilla fighters in the FARC into consumer citizens.
Triple your sales and quadruple your business in 90 days with joint venture partnerships.
Listen to the music: Existing computer software makes desktop publishing so incredibly easy (read The Desktop Publisher's Idea Book by Chuck Green or Web Design and Desktop Publishing for Dummies by Roger Parker) that I consider desktop ...
Identifies the fastest growing markets; discusses recession strategies, consumers, targeted prospects, and management; and furnishes sections on Internet marketing, the use of new technologies, and cultivating repeat business.
... marketing experiencial como forma de reclutamiento incluyó ejercicios de entrenamiento paralelos que tenían lugar en pueblos virtuales Der Derian arguye que la afganos, iraquíes o somalíes.48 producción de guerras de alta tecnología y ...
... La frontera caliente entre Colombia y Venezuela. Bogotá: Corporación Nuevo Arco Iris, 2012. Bagley, Bruce. “Drug Policy, Political Violence and U.S. Policy in Colombia in the 1990s.” Working paper, 2001. ...