Kusiak ]F, Rosenblum NG. Neovaginal reconstruction after exenteration using an omental flap and ... Soper ]T, Secord AA, Havrilesky L], Berchuck A, ClarkePearson DL. Comparison of gracilis and rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap ...
Lynch TJ Jr, Kalish L, Mentzer SJ, et al. Optimal therapy of malignant pleural effusions:report of a randomized trialof bleomycin, tetracycline and talc andametaanalysis. IntJ Oncol1996;8:183–190. 71. Spector M,Pollak JS.
Uterine. Procedures. John O. Schorge and David M. Boruta II FIGURE 25-21. Upper vaginal resection. (Redrawn, with permission, from Schorge. ABDOMINAL. HYSTERECTOMY. Procedure. Overview. Box 25-1 Master Surgeon's Corner ○ Dorsal ...
In the site-specific chapters which follow, clinical, pathologic and radiologic images complement the text, which in turn stresses the importance of screening and outlines current methods.
Gynecologic Oncology: Treatment Rationale and Techniques
Gynecologic Oncology: A Pocketbook is a collaborative effort that combines the perspectives of expert faculty and fellows in training in the field of gynecologic oncology.
Gynecologic Oncology was not meant to be a comprehensive guide to the rapidly changing practice of gynecologic oncology, but a reference from which one can be guided in the right direction in the quest for information.
Gynecologic Oncology: A Pocketbook is a collaborative effort that combines the perspectives of expert faculty and fellows in training in the field of gynecologic oncology.
At the turn of the century gynecology had achieved independence from surgery in most medical schools; although gynecologists were surgeons, their interests were turning toward nonsurgical aspects of their specialty.
New edition fully includes Grades and Levels of evidence, providing a better idea of what the sum total of existing evidence suggests regarding key topics Grades and levels of evidence consistently highlighted throughout Greater number of ...